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Frequently Asked Questions About PIP Laws and Processes


The short answer is YES. The attorneys and staff at Aungst Law will focus on your PIP files by explaining the process involved in reviewing those PIP billing files, gathering the necessary documents, determining if there were non-payments or wrongfully reduced, and negotiating with the insurance company on your behalf, so you can focus on running your medical practice.

Nothing. The Florida PIP Statute (627.736) requires that the insurance companies pay the legal fees incurred by you in fighting for the wrongfully denied or reduced medical benefits owed to you. Unlike your billing company (which usually takes a percentage of the payments made), you pay us NOTHING. In other words, the faster you get us the wrongfully denied or reduced bills, the faster we get you 100% of what the insurance company owes you. This allows the doctors and staff to focus on treating patients and running your medical practice.

Under the Florida Personal Injury Protection (PIP) statute, patients must receive medical treatment within 14 days of the automobile accident to receive benefits under their PIP coverage as outlined in the insurance policy.

Florida Statute 627.736 (the PIP Statute) provides that, unless an emergency medical condition exists, PIP coverage is limited to $2,500. An emergency medical condition is defined under Section 395.002 as “a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity” such that the absence of immediate medical attention could result in serious jeopardy to the patient’s health, serious impairment to bodily functions, or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.

It may seem confusing that the law requires drivers to carry $10,000 in PIP coverage but only $2,500 can be accessed unless an emergency medical condition exists. The reason for this rule is to supposedly reduce insurance costs. (Have you ever seen insurance rates go down?) NEITHER HAVE WE.

First, these IME cutoffs are anything but independent. Most are done by the same doctors in your area. They are contracted through a third-party vendor on behalf of the insurance company. These “doctors” write a cut-and-paste report (for which they are paid a few hundred dollars) that will basically say that your patient does not need further medical treatment. Please contact us at Aungst Law as soon as you receive notification that your patient’s benefits have been cut off for an IME. DO NOT waste the time of your staff, or yourself, arguing with the insurance adjuster. We will send a PIP demand immediately as it is important to put the insurance company “on the clock” to make the proper payment. The clock does not start until we send or the insurance company receives the PIP DEMAND.

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